HopeWood Outdoors

HopeWood Outdoors

+ Background

HopeWood Outdoors, formerly known as Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio, is a group of campsites focused on environmental education for all ages. They were searching for unified identity that was more inclusive and expressed where the organization was at the present.


+ Logo and Identity

The new name, HopeWood Outdoors, was born out of the idea of the heartwood—the dense, strong core at the heart of the pines that surround the camps. Based on this idea, the logo was built on a grid of concentric circles like the rings of a tree. 

One of the issues presented to us was that each site had its own distinct name and logo that needed to be unified under a single brand. I designed the logo to be modular so that it could be adapted to each site. HopeWood Pines (formerly known as Lutheran Memorial Camp) is located deep in the forests of central Ohio and is represented by a pine tree. HopeWood Shores (formerly known as Camp Luther) is on the shores of Lake Erie and is represented by water. HopeWood Connect, an outreach program that travels to local schools and churches, is represented by a rainbow. Each site has its own primary color and the umbrella brand of HopeWood Outdoors combines all colors and logo logo elements.

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Starry Night
Sunshine Gold
Leaf Green
Sky Blue
Sunset Coral

+ Website

Like the brand as a whole, the goal of the website redesign was to make all of the programs offered by HopeWood Outdoors feel unified. The website allows users to not only discover programs based on site, but also by age group and season to allow for more cross-pollination between the sites.

Another consideration for the website design was the increased need for facility rental. The new website features detailed breakdowns of the different options and amenities available at each site and makes it easier for users to choose between them.

The Gathering Well

The Gathering Well

+ Background

The Gathering Well is a nonprofit based in Sioux Falls, SD, that provides education, support, and community for families of adopted and foster children. Originally a branch of another nonprofit, they decided to branch out into their organization which meant they needed everything from a name to a logo to a website.


+ Name and Identity

After a naming exploration, the name The Gathering Well struck a chord with the founders of the organization. The name comes the long historical tradition of wells being a place for women to gather and socialize. It was a shared community resource to draw sustenance from deep under the ground. The water from the well also symbolizes new beginnings, such as bringing a child into a new family. The name also has a double meaning referring to someone’s emotional and mental wellbeing.

The brand elements express this idea with a logo that symbolizes drops of water coming together inside a well and a color palette inspired by stones and water. The brand was also inspired by the idea of patchwork quilts that weave together different texture and patterns, much like a blended family. The overall effect is warm and inviting—a place families can feel at home.

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Marine Blue
Ripple Blue

+ Website and Collateral

Because The Gathering Well is a small nonprofit, I created marketing tool kit for their team of volunteers to use to maintain consistent branding. The kit included templates for social media posts, presentations, and documents. I also developed a website for them and trained their team on how to use it.

Kalon Medical Spa

Kalon Medical Spa

+ Background

Kalon is a medical spa located inside Vance Thompson Vision in Sioux Falls, SD, that specializes in aesthetics and laser skin treatments. The name was inspired by the Greek concept of “kalon,” which emphasizes the importance of both inner and outer beauty.

2019 – Present

+ Logo and Branding

For their opening in 2019, I helped them develop a brand that expressed how they want their patients to feel: calm and weightless. The logo illustrates the two halves of inner and outer beauty coming together to form a perfectly imperfect circle. The typefaces chosen enhance the light and airy feel with rounded elements that feel calm and comforting. The colors are inspired by nature to emphasize the idea that Kalon is enhancing, not changing, their patients’ natural beauty.

Once the identity was established, I helped develop the all of collateral needed for their grand opening including a website, brochures, social promotion, and emails. 

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Morning Dew

+ Retail and Promotions

Since their opening, I have continued to work with Kalon to evolve their brand and deliver their inner beauty, outer glow message consistently. In addition to a medical spa, Kalon also houses a retail store for medical-grade skincare so the holidays are one of their biggest seasons. 

Every year, I help them create an online gift guide and set up an online store for their annual Black Friday gift card sale. I also helped design their gift card and gift packaging and assist in email and in-store promotion leading up to the event.

OTA Bismarck

OTA Bismarck

+ Background

OTA is a nonprofit based in Sioux Falls, SD, that seeks to promote creativity and innovation in often overlooked “OTA” region of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. We had the opportunity to work with them to design their 2016 conference in Bismarck, ND.

While most OTA events focus on bringing creatives and thought leaders from across the country to the region, they wanted to try something a bit different for their first ever event in Bismarck. They had recently launched their OTA Builder program which is a fellowship program of sorts for up-and-coming creatives, entrepreneurs, and forward-thinkers who are making connections and growing community throughout the region.


+ Event

For this one-day event, OTA wanted to provide each Builder with a platform to share their ideas and projects with a wider audience, something many of them would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise. This event needed to be something truly special not only for the Builders but also the attendees who came to learn from and connect with them.

My co-worker, Tim Murray, worked on the physical event space while I designed the logo and all of the print collateral for the event. Inspired by the Builders, I themed the event around the idea of tangrams puzzles. These puzzles feature a finite set of basic shapes but, when combined, the possibilities for what they can be is endless. Similarly, the Builders are using the tools they have to better the region but when they are brought together, they have so many more options open to them.

During the social times in between events, there were custom wooden tangram sets on each table and a set of puzzle cards related to OTA. They were meant to stimulate connection and collaboration and give people a chance to experiment and make whatever they wanted out of these shapes.

Another way we helped foster connection and a sense of place was a giant map at the entrance of the event. Each attendee took a polaroid and pinned on the map region they were from. Each Builder also had a set of “trading cards” for attendees to take so that it was easier for attendees to approach and make conversation with them.

Additional Credits: Event photography by Tim Murray

Theresa’s House

Theresa’s House

+ Background

Theresa’s House was founded by Theresa Kashale, who came to the U.S. as a refugee from Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1985. Now a teacher in the Sioux Falls School District, Theresa returned her hometown of Kinshasa in 2006 to start an orphanage for children in need. I have been so grateful to work with Theresa for the past few years to help share her story and the stories of the children she helps.

2016 – Present

+ Branding and Collateral

When I first started working with Theresa’s House, they had a logo but nothing else in the way of a brand identity or consistency. I chose a color palette that complemented the existing logo colors and are inspired by vibrancy of the Congo. The type and illustrations feel intentionally rough and handmade to evoke the playfulness of childhood.

Over the years, I have helped Theresa’s house clearly and consistently by writing and designing newsletters, brochures, and other donor communications. Most recently, I completely redesigned their website so they could share stories and accept donations online—helping them reach a whole new audience base.

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+ Events

One of the biggest projects I help out with every year is their annual fundraising event, called Coming Home to Love. I attend board meetings leading up to the event to help them plan and strategize.

I also produce all of the event collateral to match the theme of the year including invites, tickets, programs, table decor, and more. Past themes have included “What Will I Be?” and “Be a Part of Her Story.”